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To wit (pun intended): Jacques Cousteau could be quite funny in his public appearances; Sylvia Earle apparently also has a decent sense of humor as well as a whimsical side--I believe she wrote at least one children's book.

Billy S.

Yes, I worked with both of them. Jean-Michel and Dr. Richard Murphy as well. All have a sense of humor as does Dr. Milton Love, the Pacific rockfish expert.

Dr. Bill
I think the reference was to my educational underwater videos which try to maintain a sense of humor while conveying factual information. At least that's the goal, your mileage may vary. My son's former high school friends viewed a few of them and said they would have paid attention if that kind of video had been shown in school classes.

Shameless self-promotional plug by...

Dr. Bill

sounds like a good plug to me... you've got me sitting on the edge of MY seat to see a copy. funniest footage "I" have is a barracuda farting (no doubt about it - - about 1/2 way down....choose the "tug orange jellies" - it's right at the end)

This of course doesn't include divers behaving badly which might be funny to some, but just plain sad to me. (yes, i edit out any time some schlep is walking on the reef or playing with the wildlife and such - you should see the vid i have a schlepper(ette) doing upside down jumping jacks in Fiji. - thank goodness she was in the sand, but......)
A barracuda farting! Fantastic. I'm pretty sure I have some of scad and a few other species if I remember my footage. You realize this is an area of some "serious" scientific investigation recently (along with whale farts). Some scientists think that baitfish farts may be a form of communication... not sure what the fish are trying to say!!

I intentionally take video of poor dive technique, etc., for use in future videos. One segment I will include in a video on our Dive Park is "divers behaving badly" or how NOT to dive the park, win friends and influence marine life.

Just finished editing hours of Belize footage down to a presentation suitable for my dive club talk. The thing I hate the most about editing is that I tend to eat more while I'm doing it. Need to do more cold water diving to burn off the calories. However I DON'T want to repeat one of my dive buddy's recent dives in Antarctica- she didn't get her dry suit zipped up tight. BRRRR!

Dr. Bill
on one of my TUG ORANGE videos I'm in a massive school of bait when a school of Bonita come swiping through... the bubbles you see are not from regulator, that's for sure.... those lil' fishees' where 'chatting' up a storm....

fish farts:

the actual .WAV is missing again. i've asked the Ben Wilson to put the .WAV back and he keeps putting it back, but I guess some poor schmuck keeps killing the link.

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