Your deepest depth

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what exactly do you want to do? Just deco at shallower depths? Take the NAUI Tech Nitrox and Deco classes.
All I have to say is who cares what the deepest depth you've been to. Its not about going deep just to go deep. Now on the other hand my deepest was 180 ft, I hit the lips at Eagle's nest. Awsome dive. But don't just go deep to go deep. IMO its just stupid.
I dont go deep without a reason, and the deepest place ive wanted to explore (this far) was a WWII plane wreck at 100-105 feet..
I picked up on this thread late and didn't go through the whole thing, but I don't see any mention of oxygen toxicity. All these dives past 165 on compressed air and nobody mentioned the danger of that.
I picked up on this thread late and didn't go through the whole thing, but I don't see any mention of oxygen toxicity. All these dives past 165 on compressed air and nobody mentioned the danger of that.

Why is that an issue at,say, 180 feet ?
I picked up on this thread late and didn't go through the whole thing, but I don't see any mention of oxygen toxicity. All these dives past 165 on compressed air and nobody mentioned the danger of that.

i thought that got discussed somewhere in the middle of this thread...
I didnt see it if it did. One of the differences between teaching people to dive and taking people diving who already know how to dive is that the latter group is far less likely to listen to what you suggest. At 165 your ppo2 on air is 1.3 or so which is the very bottom of the caution zone. At 210 it is 1.6 which is the top of the caution zone for what I learned in rec diving. The problem is that oxygen toxicity in my opinion is about the only thing you can't plan for in a deep dive. It has been known to happen at any time at these depths and everyone is different.
So when people say I want to go to 200 ft, I am good on air and have a computer and I ask what is the biggest risk at 200 ft and they dont have a clue what oxygen toxicity is, then I suggest they read up on it before choosing to do a dive that deep.
My max depth is 230 and have done several at 200 around a wreck that is close to the shop, with other dm's and instructors.
I know that we are just throwing numbers out here, but some beginners who see these should be made aware of why we say "never again" and things like that.
I think the record of 435 still holds for Neil Watson. I have met him and when someone asked him what its like at that depth he said he didnt remember a thing past 400...owie
What's with this "personal best" b.s., anyway? I used to lift weights, and could deadlift 405 lbs. for a number of reps, and I could shrug 675 lbs. for many reps...those were my personal bests. Honestly, me being a new diver and all, someone who dives to a max depth of 60 ft. or less and can show me how to have fun and be safe is someone I look up to. Why 200 ft.?...Who cares?

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