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Arenny, you are a goldmine. What a great thread!

I took every shot on my site in Program. (not top shelf, I know) BUT, some of those sharks swimming at me would not have happened if I took time to pick settings....yet. Also, the ones of the Riffe guys, had to be shot in Program because I am not good enough yet. So Auto has its place....but a hard habit to break.

Alcina is going to love this list...her little students so motivated and inspired!

Vince can you give the kb mb cheat sheet?
It is a "photoshop" type program that has multi-factorial corrections in blonde speak for non techno types. Buttons named "I am feeling Lucky" rocks. Lotsa cluck for the buck. (free). Plus it organizes all your images in the computer, leaving the originals in place on the disc. Disc....whatever..?
thank you cathrine that is a really cool program , and i love the way it sets up thr folders and sorts it all by the dates and sets up a library type thing. thanks again
well, you're welcome! Now I have given away my only secret......
Just checked out your site - amazing pictures Catherine!
I'll let you rent my laptop with CS2 in Bali, Catherine.
anybody want to slip me cs 2??? shhh....
One character such as the letter 'K' requires one byte to be stored and a typical page of text is around 4KB.

8 bits are equal to 1 byte.

1,024 bytes are equal to 1 kilobyte (KB) = 2^10

1,048,576 bytes 1,024 kilobyte are equal to 1 megabyte (MB or Meg) = 2^20

1,073,741,824 bytes or 1,024 megabytes are equal to 1 gigabyte (GB or Gig) = 2^30

then there are terabytes. :icon10:

Hope this helps,
Vince, printable. thanks.

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