You Know You are a Diver When....

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when you move to a new town, and a year later almost every person you know you've met drinking coffee in the LDS
Your decision to accept a job transfer depends on how good the local diving will be at your new location.
You buy your wife divegear instead of flowers on Valentines Day
You know you're obsessed with diving when:

Your Christmas decorations have a scuba theme.

You ride on an escalator and worry that the ascent rate is too fast.

You drive by any body or water and wonder what the viz is like and what's down there.
You buy your wife divegear instead of flowers on Valentines Day


Yep! I got divegear for Valentines Day! (And flowers...but the divegear was the highlight!)
When you are involved in a wreck...the ins. co sends you a check for the damages, and you are strongly considering spending it on dive gear instead of fixing the car.

I mean...the damage is only superficial anyway...and its not even your dive support vehicle.

your wife tells you its valentines day when you get home from a dive

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