You know when you have been instructing too long ...

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Scuba Instructor
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# of dives
I'm a Fish!
... when you talk to a non diver with hand signals.
... when you know the answers to the 50 multiple choice questions without looking at the answer sheet.
... when you extol the virtues of a sea cucumber to your newbie students' highly qualified partner.
... when you can pick holes in Jacques Cousteau videos with your instructor friends.
... when you know the names of the instructors on the training videos
... you shout at the film The Sphere, because Sharon Stone is planning a 300m heliox dive with the PADI wheel.
... all of which I either have done, or still do ... sad huh?
-When you find yourself broke at the end of the month.
-When you can give lectures while sleeping.
-When your gear has seaweed growing all over it.
-When at the end of the day, you sit at the bar and find out you'r wasted after just one beer.
-When you have more gear in your living room than furniture.
-When you watch 007 movies and explain to your none diver friends what's so stupid about the way they dive.
-When you find you pass most of your dry time by arguing about instructional methods with other instructors.

When I got to answer yes to all of the above, I decided it's time to leave...
"... when you know the answers to the 50 multiple choice questions without looking at the answer sheet."

I hope every instructor can ace the exams they give without looking at the answer sheet.

Originally posted by Walter
"... when you know the answers to the 50 multiple choice questions without looking at the answer sheet."

I hope every instructor can ace the exams they give without looking at the answer sheet.


What I actually meant was when a student takes an exam, and by looking at the students answer sheet, you can tell which ones he has wrong without the results sheet.
The results sheet is a series of boxes only
... when you start doing the minimum divetime at the minimum depth.
... when your wetsuit is held together with more aquasure and black witch than wetsuit.
... when you can tell if the elusive frogfish has had spawn and named them after you.
... when your logbook(s) take up more space than your manuals.
... when it costs you more in excess luggage because of your only t-shirt and pair of shorts.
... people tell you that they have just swam with dolphins, mantas and whale sharks and you are thinking (yawn!) where is that frogfish?
... the most common questions are ... "Where are you from, how long have you been here, don't you have a cute English accent, and & are we going to see something here?"

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