Yet another Halcyon question (ACB)

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Originally posted by newton
I'm confused. Does your 'tail' have two holes/two grommets? If so, mine (bought at Christmas) has only one hold.

How are you securing the pockets to the plate with bolts/nuts, if not using the 'tail'?

In any case, Halcyon's BP manual contains mounting instructions for the ACB/ACB+ pockets.

This may help.


Thanks for the reply Nate. Yea, mine has 2 holes with grommets. Since yours has only one I'm thinking they changed the design. That would explain why the manual had me doing it the other way with no mention of the second hole.

For ACB systems with 2 holes per pocket, the method described by metridium above is clearly correct (or, if not correct, more secure than the correct method).

Thanks all!

Originally posted by WreckWriter
.. mine has 2 holes with grommets. Since yours has only one I'm thinking they changed the design. That would explain why the manual had me doing it the other way with no mention of the second hole.

For ACB systems with 2 holes per pocket, the method described by metridium above is clearly correct (or, if not correct, more secure than the correct method).

Now you got me looking at mine, so I tried to connect it by threading the tail through the plate to the back of the harness, but my grommet is so thick that it can't fit through the hole.

Is your grommet pretty flat? Mind's kind of wide.

Yea, mine went right through. Maybe contact Halcyon and see if they changed design recently?
I just had a play with my ACB+, there is only one grommet on a very short tail. I couldn't get the grommet to fit through the backplate slot either, and left it the way it was, wrapping around the edge of the backplate instead.

Few points to pick with Halcyon....

1. All of the weight is left on the single grommet when the rig is removed - I can already see the web fraying around the grommet, and there's only a few dives on it. And the webbing is sewn onto the ACB+ pouch and doesn't look easily replaced without an industrial sewing machine. The through-the-backplate method would definitely reduce the wear and tear.

2. Just noticed my harness webbing is cut partly through where it passes through a backplate slot - the slot's upper end was not finished off with a file, and is like a knife-edge! It's cutting the webbing in half, as it's a high load point on the webbing. I'm going to have to replace the webbing shortly, and buy a circular file and dress the slot myself.

3. Stupid integrated STA on 36lb wing. The larger wing is designed for heavier steel tanks, and those two little rods are not enough (for me anyway) to stabilise the tank.

4. Lack of trim adjustability - the older Pioneer wings had 6 grommets instead of the 2 of the current model, for vertical trim adjustment.

Grrrrrrrrr! Halcyon are going backwards. Now I've said all that, I'm going diving with my backplate and wings (well sometime this weekend anyway).


Originally posted by bengiddins
I just had a play with my ACB+, there is only one grommet on a very short tail. I couldn't get the grommet to fit through the backplate slot either, and left it the way it was, wrapping around the edge of the backplate instead.

Sounds like you and I have the same setup.

Few points to pick with Halcyon....

1. All of the weight is left on the single grommet when the rig is removed - I can already see the web fraying around the grommet, and there's only a few dives on it. And the webbing is sewn onto the ACB+ pouch and doesn't look easily replaced without an industrial sewing machine. The through-the-backplate method would definitely reduce the wear and tear.

Agreed, which is why I tried to change to the 'through the BP' attachment method. It sounds like they've changed the design again to make it easier. However, I've been lucky, and so far haven't had any significant fraying, but I've only got a couple dozen dives on mine so far, which about half of them requiring any signficant weight.

2. Just noticed my harness webbing is cut partly through where it passes through a backplate slot - the slot's upper end was not finished off with a file, and is like a knife-edge! It's cutting the webbing in half, as it's a high load point on the webbing. I'm going to have to replace the webbing shortly, and buy a circular file and dress the slot myself.

That's no good. I'd call Halcyon on the phone and see if they would do it for free. I had to dress my wife's FredT STA, and it wasn't too bad, but I did it by hand and it took me about 45 minutes.

3. Stupid integrated STA on 36lb wing. The larger wing is designed for heavier steel tanks, and those two little rods are not enough (for me anyway) to stabilise the tank.

I'm of two minds on the STA. If I get it on straight, it seems to work pretty well if I tighten it up really well (thank goodness for the SS buckles). However, a couple of times I've had it just a little bit cockeyed, and any sharp movement causes it to slop around. I'm diving with Al80s, so I can imagine the slop is much more pronounced with bigger steel tanks.

We use a STA on my wife's rig, and putting a tank on it is *way* easier than on the built-in STA. The only downside to the STA is weight, so when we do our Coz trip in June, we're going to use the built-in STA, and hope it holds the LP120 tanks the dive operator is using. That's alot of tank for the little STA.

4. Lack of trim adjustability - the older Pioneer wings had 6 grommets instead of the 2 of the current model, for vertical trim adjustment.

I can't compare, since I've never dove with any other wing besides the Pioneers. My wife and I both have problems with feet-up problems in our warm-water gear, but I'm not sure how feasible it would be to move the wing higher, or the tank lower.

However, in our drysuits, the setup works great for both of us, although since we're still getting used to them, our trim isn't yet dialed in. I might be wishing for a more adjustable wing once I get more comfortable with the drysuit bouyancy issues and have time to perfect our drysuit trim.

Originally posted by bengiddins
I just had a play with my ACB+, there is only one grommet on a very short tail.

Interesting. Apparently that's a differemnce between the ACB and the ACB + as my ACB has the long tail with 2 grommets. Now that I know how to attach it it seems extremely secure. ACB + is apparently a different story....

Contact Halcyon, maybe they'll help you out./ I know there's a one year warranty on most of their stuff.


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