Unfortunately many different types of fish eat the same types of food. For instance you may be fishing for ling cod, and pull up a rock fish, or vice versa. Of course I got caught once a scuba diver even, and they were fishing inside the marine reserve at Gerstle Cove.Well, if the fish don't survive being pulled up, is there any way to modify one's fishing technique to avoid catching these particular fish? It seems less than productive to allow the act of fishing, which kills the fish before the person holding the pole knows what they have, and then punish the person for having pulled up the wrong sort of fish.
You do not get punished for landing a fish out of season or one that is protected, you get punished for keeping one. So say you catch a rock fish out of season from 200 ft deep. You bring it to the surface and it's sack is popping out it's mouth and the eyes are popping out of it's head from being brought up too fast. You remove the hook and throw it back overboard. The fish can't swim back down and flounders at the surface as you re-bait your hook and cast again. You wouldn't have done anything wrong since you returned the fish to the ocean.
The commercial party boats devastate the coastline here. Imagine 15 rods around the boat with a constant catch being brought in.
"By Catch" is a horrible word in the fishing industry that is not often talked about. We all remember the dolphins and tuna right? How about shrimp fishing and all the life forms stripped from the bottom? Goes for just about every type of catch brought up in a net, let alone long line fishing (Think sharks).