DD, he probably expected 55ppm of CO because that is the pollution we have over here from our cars and the factories in nearby Indonesia.
I am only partially kidding but I bet he was mis-quoted too.
Wilde, I was taught OW and Rescue at Hantu and I did my IDC there. What should have the instructor done? I'll get hit for saying this but 1) not dive there while currents are strong (which means checking tide charts and/or moving the boat; 2) kept closer watch over the students (DM's in the water); 3) train them better in the pool (more than one 3 hour class); and 4) don't overweight the student.
When I did my OW there, two minutes into my first dive, my buddy's waving arms knocked off my mask and reg. Because of the excellent training I got (including 4 pool sessions rather than the one that this guy almost certainly got), I calmly found both and replaced them in time to see the passing turtle. Competition in Singapore for students has meant that the course cost has come down steadily over the years just as the cost of living has gone up considerably. What do you think gets cut? Sad, ain't it.