Any of y'all who missed the diving in the AM, missed nothing.
They closed the place after we were in. Diving sucked.
* You did miss a sweet hang.
* You missed good friends.
* You missed an OW class running from the surf.
* You missed coming up from the soup and seeing the snorkle police, lights a flashing at our site... and sitting in the water, thinking: Hmmm... did someone jump?
* You missed Pasley giving two complete hotties an education on SoCal Shore Diving.
* You missed Claudette's mystery cut and bleeding (aren't mystery wounds reserved for, like Keggers and Vegas? What happened, HBDG?)
* You missed Robert Philips custom fitting a dude in a new Back Plate, and me inturrupting him every 2 minutes because its been so long since I'd seen him I wanted to horn in on his conversations just to shoot the sheet... sorry, bud.
* You missed Ken tossing his wet and sizzling light battery into the trash. (for those of you keeping score at home, that's TWO light floods and two dead batts in 7 days... how unlucky is that?)
* You missed Christian pulling a hot battery of the trash for me 5 hours later

(responding to a phone call I placed from the 405 on the way home after it hit me I need the leads to put on my next batt... I'm unlucky and and idiot... C-man, you Rule!)
* You missed a truly breathtaking park. Man. This little place is hanging on the cliff edge, with about a 180+ degree view, perfect benches over a flat cement slab for gearing up. Parking was steps away, as were the restrooms. If it wasn't OCal, I'd say its about the sweetest set up ever. :11: Seriously. I want to pitch a tent on the grass and live right there.
So you missed nothing under the water. You missed lots above. Try to be on our next dive. I sure will.