A couple of things about this (I wasn't there that day of course, but generally)... First, conditions in town don't reflect what's going on on the lake. I suspect that about 30% of the time, our plans change once we get out on the lake. Last weekend, there was a strong SE wind. Looking out from the harbour, the lake was like a pond. But the Arabia had 5 footers rolling over it, Forest City was likely worse.
Second, if this was a "walk-on" charter, the abilities of the divers on board is largely unknown. I think DD requires an Advanced OW cert to dive there, but we all understand that that card doesn't mean squat anymore. Since you mentioned Arabia, I can tell you that there are days when the current there is absolutely ripping. A Captain is responsible for his/her passengers' safety above all. These folks know the water better than you do. They're also the ones that are going to get sued when stuff goes sideways. Given the average diver is about 50, overweight, and out of shape, I trust you can understand their concern. Having a site called is disappointing, but for a truly messed up day, try hauling a dead guy on to the deck... And shipwrecks aren't going anywhere.
I can't speak to the people on your boat, but I doubt they were all "pissed off". Most divers just want to dive and the smart ones defer to a local expert when it comes to choosing a site. That isn't unique to Tobermory, I assure you.
i certainly did not post my comment to slam any particular shop. that is why i did not name them. there was more than one in town at that time.
but trust me.....they waited til we were on the water and then told us we were not diving the arabia.
bottom line is that everyone on that boat would have never got on if they had told us we would not be diving the arabia that day. or at the very least we would have decided to go anywhere other than where we were taken.
so instead they took us to a really shallow "wreck". basically scattered about. if i remember it was like 15 feet deep?
then they tried to convince us to stay there and do a second dive. whaaat?
and trust me again.....there were only about 6 of us on the boat and yes, we were all pretty pissed.
at my suggestion we went to that shore dive people do right near town. we just did it from the boat. i actually enjoyed it. my two buddies dived it. the others stayed on the boat.
i would be the last person to wanna put any diver in a dangerous position. and if it truly is not divable then you don't go.
but you don't wait until everyone is on board and then before even leaving the harbour tell everyone the bad news. you share the latest intel at the dock. the group decides if it is a go or not. then the skipper has final say. if it is a no go then people can either leave or agree to dive elsewhere.