A friend of mine, when I was first learning to dive, told me a horror story about being on a cleanup dive in a local site which is considered incredibly benign (max depth 35 feet) and is used for training and beginners. Viz is often very poor. She got separated from her buddy and t
angled in monofilament. She had to take off her BC to clear the entanglement, and surfaced with about 300 psi. (The buddy had never surfaced to look for her, and no one knew she was missing or having any problem.) It made a huge impression on me: Benign sites may not be, and entanglement can kill you in shallow water. I carry a cutting implement on every dive. (I used to carry a knife AND shears, but I haven't seen a net or fishing line on any dive in Puget Sound yet, so now I just carry my knife.)
As I've observed before, a lot of people don't consider the "what ifs".
angled in monofilament. She had to take off her BC to clear the entanglement, and surfaced with about 300 psi. (The buddy had never surfaced to look for her, and no one knew she was missing or having any problem.) It made a huge impression on me: Benign sites may not be, and entanglement can kill you in shallow water. I carry a cutting implement on every dive. (I used to carry a knife AND shears, but I haven't seen a net or fishing line on any dive in Puget Sound yet, so now I just carry my knife.)
As I've observed before, a lot of people don't consider the "what ifs".