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Salt forever.....no problem....

Cold water (50F and below) with abundant life, or tropical with very little life?
Tropical(no question about it)

Would you rather do a shore dive with heavy waves or a boat dive into a ripping current?
I'll take the current, the boat can pick me up

eat only tasteless very healthy food or tasty artery clogging food for the rest or your life?
tasteless food (im trying it now it's tough)

would you rather use skim milk in your coffee or just drink it black?

(old joke- I like my women like I take my coffee.............weak and bitter.....)

Undercooked fish or undercooked pork?
chicago..thin crust..
Would you rather Hmmm eat a bucket of beans and sit in a class room

Eat a bucket of oysters and sit in a class room
Easy...beans. Not gonna be my problem.....but might be for anyone else in the room.

Root canal with no anesthetic or 10 stitches with no anesthetic?

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