Right, but Worthington looked at the e-series prior to making the x-series and decided that they needed more material in the bottom of the cylinder to better balance the tank. The E8-130 is much lighter than the older 104's. People don't agree on the trim thing, some have it, some don't. See this thread:
The Deco Stop
But I have never heard anyone mention these issues w/ the Worthingtons. And as far as the cylinder height, I think a lot of that is in the neck. But hey if you think they'll work with a dry suit and thick undies, go for it.
The Deco Stop
But I have never heard anyone mention these issues w/ the Worthingtons. And as far as the cylinder height, I think a lot of that is in the neck. But hey if you think they'll work with a dry suit and thick undies, go for it.