Women buddies are great!

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Just wanted to relay this message to the other gender. I consider women - along with aging males (said as tactfully as possibe) to be great buddies. Not that the rest are bad...just these two populations tend to very considerate divers in my limited experience.:wink:
Not sure what you consider "aging" but I'm pushing 40 pretty hard and I prefer diving with women and "aging" males. They don't have to prove anything, they don't get into situations they are not comfortable with and to quote Top Gun, their "egos don't write checks their bodies can't cash". I really hate it when the young, dumb and hard charging dive buddy does something that gets US in trouble.
Bmuise- Had to laugh at your use of the "tactful" phrase aging males. I am in the population you are probably referring to.

However, as a biologist I'd like to remind you that we are all "aging" every day whether we are 2 or 62 (I'm somewhere in between). I definitely prefer aging to the alternative. Perhaps you could refer to my part of the demographic curve as "mature males" (oops, I guess that phrase doesn't always apply to me either!).

Dr. Bill
Ok ...here's perhaps a more appropriate phrase (coming from a 38 year old) "People soon to be approaching the onset of senesence" Hows that:boom:
You're 38! Geez, when I was in college we didn't trust anyone over 30... and didn't expect to live that long. Fortunately my genes seem to be awesome... my 95-year old grandfather had the mind of an 18-year old entombed in his body and that allowed him to be quite active until his death.

Dr. Bill
women's air consumption is great too...
so always make sure where their octos are before going down... hehe...
Not to be wet sponge, but I've had good and bad buddies of either gender. I'm lucky that my wife is an excellent buddy. Doesn't crowd but doesn't wander away either. Carries her own gear. Biggest problem is getting her to take the lead on dives sometimes, instead of just following me. Our air consumption is about the same (could be because we're both 5' 9" although I'm about 10 punds heavier).
OTOH, I had one lady I dove with a half dozen times (before my wife certified) and it was like being in a race. If I paused to look at something, she'd be 15 to 20 feet ahead of me and no amount of discussion on shore ever got her to slow down. Of course, maybe that's beacuse I'm one of those "aging" males and just can't keep up.

It is great to see the number of women that are diving now. I was up (just to dive) at an OW/AOW weekend recently and nearly half the students and 40% of the certified divers there were women.
I consider my wife to be the perfect diving buddy for me and even though I may be biased on that fact, I believe it to be true. She doesn't take chances, we swim the same speed and and I use up just a little more air than her. We never push each other. We just enjoy diving and this buddy I can take home!:wink:
drbill once bubbled...
...However, as a biologist I'd like to remind you that we are all "aging" every day whether we are 2 or 62 (I'm somewhere in between). I definitely prefer aging to the alternative.

Dr. Bill

I was told somewhere along the way that for the first part of our lives, we produce more new cells than those that die. At some point (around 19 for guys?), the tide turns, and our cells start dying faster than new ones are produced. If this is true, wouldn't we grow until that time, and "age" after?

:confused: or :doctor: ?

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