Hi there. I'm a Dive Travel Wholesaler just joining this site and was looking around and found your message. I know I send many ladies (and guys) single to many destinations. They have never, to my knowlegde, had a problem finding someone capable to dive with. I have a group (lots of single ladies signed up) going to Wakatobi, Indonesia, in November, and for you to join a group would be the best way to travel as you instantly meet other divers and get the group rates as well.... Have you ever dived the wonderful Indonesia?RooLuvsToDive:I'm just wondering if any of us women divers have gone to dive locales, whether they be Florida or the Caribbean or Mexico, ALONE on a trip?I have finally come to the realization that if I want to go somewhere I'll be going alone, especially if it is somewhere to dive. I'm just wondering if many people do this and if so, did you feel safe and did you have any trouble finding a dive buddy once you got there?