THis is rather off the subject, but I'd be very interested in some info on the work this woman you referred to is doing, with the elephants and the kids. I"m considering a trip to Thailand and Cambodia over New Years, and would stretch it to a few months if I were able to do a little work. Thanks also for the TEFL suggestion.
Hi there Wandernsoul,
I just had to reply to this query, as I have recently returned from Madagascar where I was volunteering for a reef conservation project Blue Ventures. I had the most spectacular experience, and felt that I was contributing my time and effort to a worthy cause. Aside from the diving side of the project, there was also the on-land work, such as teaching the local children and teachers english and surveys of the village and local birdlife.
The diving was outstanding, with waters of around 30ºC most of the time (very warm in Farenheight) and we had the opportunity to dive sites that were truly virgin sites, never visited by divers.
Life was simple, we lived in cabins just up a few steps from the beach, with early mornings and early evenings.
Any necessary dive training was given, with the option for furthering your qualifications if you already hold your PADI AOW. We were also fully guided and trained up on the science side too, which was fascinating.
The usual volunteering time is 6 weeks, though that really didn't feel long enough, so they may have altered that since I was there.
Being a relatively young project, we also had the chance to really make our marks on the research, one woman started the nudibranch and invertebrates survey, which continues to be on-going, and more than a few of us were able to make additions to the sighted species list.
Anyway, you can read all about them at the above web-site. Like I said, it was the experience of a lifetime, and I am sure I will return at some point. My two cabin mates have already been back, so they are certainly doing something right.
By the way, Madagascar was a totally inspirational country, I will have to return just to see some more of it!
If you want to know any more about the project, feel free to PM me and I can fill you in.