If I HAD to have an Air Integrated Computer it would be one with a direct connection to the 1st stage, hose mounted, not a wireless unit. Personally I have had to many problems with wireless syncing. Your milage may vary. I prefer a wrist mounted computer for ease of use and reading but used a console mount for a number of years without a problem. Two big disadvantages of air integration are the if the sending unit on a wireless unit fails you have no pressure reading and if the 1st stage floods and you do not get it dried out and serviced before the next use you will very likely push water into your sending unit or your computer if it is hose mounted. End result is a dead sending unit or a dead computer, I have seen both happen.
I have an wireless AI computer, it was given to me, and like the AI function but have had enough syncing problems to not rely on the AI portion of the computer. I always have an SPG attached to my 1st stage and consider that my primary pressure gauge. I also dive with 2 computers most of the time, suspender and belt sort of guy.