HI I have a question, My wife just got certified and we went on a cruise for our honeymoon and went diving, she had some issues and I was wondering if I can get some suggestions. I want to be a better dive partner for her but I am more experienced but not a expert by any means one she will not let go of the bc inflator and is constantly adding and dumping air. I tried to explain she doesn't need to keep doing that, should I just let be and let her figure it out? any suggestions? On the first dive she got nervous instead of dumping air added air and shot up like a rocket to the surface and paniced she got down, but after that was leary and slightly afraid mostly because she is very rule oriented and was afraid she was gonna the bends or an embolism, I tried to calm her down along with other divers and we explained at one time or another we have all paniced and she even saw another very experienced diver do the same on the next dive which reassured her some also when she paniced she was upset and said I was a bad dive buddy. The last thing I want to know is when this happened I was with a group and I never dove a excursion just with my dive club but I wanted to go and help her but the dive master wanted me to stay with the group I didn't want to, but he insisted I stay down and i think that made her more upset should I have disreguarded his instructions or what?
Thanks for any and all advice
Thanks for any and all advice