Ahhhhh, how fast we are to judge
Typical Thread comment, from a arm chair quarterback
Now I have poor gas management
I don't what is DIR's theory on it, but I can say, at 800 psi , it takes me no less then 300 psi to have a stop of 3 min, and follow the line up, and still come out with 500 psi
I carry a 19 Cf pony and never had to use it till today
I been hitting the line for years at 800 psi
I can even go foot by foor and psi by psi on my computer download , by the min to show that it's NOT poor gas managment, it's where I choose to hit the line, and when knowing my air consumption.
Do I do it all the time , NO, if the currents are stonger, I hit the line at times at 1200 PSI because of currnets and maxing my bottom time
I love comments like that, and your DIR?