Here is a link I found on Dockery.
Dive flag history
@Sam Miller III. Does this all sound right to you?
Here is a cut and paste of the contents for convenience.
Discharged from the U.S. Navy on August 16, 1949 Denzel James Dockery began his newly acquired trade of Diving with a home built "SCUBA" rig manufactured from a plan published in an issue of the "Popular Mechanics" magazine.After serving a period of apprentice with his new equipment and now newly wed to Ruth Evelyn Carlson, it became painfully apparent that the "Baker" flag he had used in the Navy was not recognized by civilian marine operators. The "Baker" flag is a solid red DANGER flag displayed by Navy personal when there were divers at work nearby. "Doc", as he was nick named, was using the flag as he had in the Navy, but no one was honoring its presents. Together he and Ruth fabricated a "Red" flag with a white stripe running across its middle. This flag showed the same pattern when viewed from either side. The Dockerys soon discovered that their flag was a copy of a National Flag used by Austria. After much research the White Stripe was quickly moved to Run from the upper left corner to the lower right corner. The flag was a little more difficult for Ruth to sew but was a true original "DIVER DOWN FLAG". It did not represent any country or organization that they could find. The "Divers Flag" was born. The fact that it reversed its self when viewed from the back was a necessary but acceptable trade off. Doc used the flag in his work and promoted it through the "Cuadro Pescadores" Diving Club that they belonged to. During the early 1950's the Dockery's opened a "garage" Dive Shop in Flint, MI and sold the flag to local Divers. A sales representative for U.S. Divers named Ted Nixon saw their flag and offered to sell it Nationally while calling on his regular customers. With Ted's contacts the flag really sold. Ruth spent most of her spare time sewing flags by the hundreds. Meanwhile, Doc and the club members worked to get the flag recognized by the Michigan State Legislature as a means of protecting SCUBA Divers from marine traffic. Also, the newly formed Great Lakes Diving Council began promoting The FLAG to the Legislators of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Each of the Legislations in turn passed laws forcing penalties to be levied against Divers who did not use The FLAG but gave the Diver no legal protection against boaters while using it. Their efforts had "BACKFIRED". By this time many other companies were making The Flag and Doc & Ruth decided it was time to drop out of the picture and direct their attention to their growing Diving business. The Diving industry has rewarded them with a comfortable life style and a small place in the HISTORY OF DIVING.
Kosta Koeman
It is full , as we often state in mixed company "bovine excrement"
FYI and others in the current the UW world who were not participants or witness to diving as it has evolved.
"Discharged from the U.S. Navy on August 16, 1949 Denzel James Dockery began his newly acquired trade of Diving with a home built "SCUBA" rig manufactured from a plan published in an issue of the "Popular Mechanics" magazine"
Self contained diving was first introduced to the US via the great late Australian Dr. Hans Hass who produced a B&W movie
"Under the red sea." In the movie the divers were using O2 rebreathers and were "Swim diving" ( a term that stuck around for a number of years .-
( My cousin who was a recent grad In Mining Engineering and I made a rebreather from MSA & WW11 surplus items - dove it 2 times in a pool- a story for another time)
In December 1948 James Dougan published
"The first of the men fish" in the now defunct magazine Science Illustrated . This was the first exposure of the then very small diving community to "Cousteau Diving" which rapidly became "Lung Diving" in SoCal. The article was almost over looked since the magazine featured a model train on the cover and was devoted to model trains - except the one menfish article.
Bill Barada developed the dry suit in 1948 - called the Bel Aqua.
February 1949 the first US dive manual
"Aqua Lung for Underwater Swimming" was published by Spaco in NYC.
1948-1949 Rene Bussoz established Rene Sporting good in Westwood California, In 1952 the name was changed to US Divers - Now Aqua Lung.
"Diving with a home built "SCUBA" rig manufactured from a plan published in an issue of the
"Popular Mechanics" magazine"
The article appeared in 1953,,,not 1949 as stated by Dockery. I have a copy of the magazine currently packed away -- (was
Popular Mechanics or Mechanics Illustrated ?) I also made one -still have part of it -- didn't really work that great
In the very early issue of
Dive Training magazine Collen Bondi published an article about the dive flag, In the next article Dockery wrote the magazine and proclaimed he was the father of the flag.
I was baffled as was all who had wrote to the only dive publication of that era Skin Diver magazine (SDM) about the dive flag -- not one person recalled his participation
As a professional witnesses I laboriously reviewed and documented every comment and/or article in SDM relating to the Dive flag -- Nothing ! Absolutely nothing appeared with his name on it.
In 1993
Who';s who in SCUBA diving was published - Dockery only had one claim to fame - Once more he proclaimed he was the father of the dive flag
There was no documentation that he was or was not the "Father: No one - disputed his claim
Until now !
Three weeks ago the grandson of Ted Nixon contacted me. He had discovered an old box full of news paper articles , club news letters and pictures all relating to Ted and the divers flag.
The flag was totally Teds idea - his brain child -- even Identifies the lady who ted had sew the first prototype flag. There was no mention of Doc Dockery in any of the unearth documents
Since I no longer write or publish I am in the process of cooperating with a established author to publish the true story of the divers flag- which excludes Dockery who had no involvement
Stand by.....
Sam Miller,. III