Why our Dive Industry does not get too much exposure in North America?

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Watch out, Codman, the "leader" may decide to invade our neighbors to the north if he hears that.
Besides, he seems to hang himself often enough... just not fatally.
Attack Canadia? ....no way!!! It's the only place that our guys can run to when they need to hide from the American authorities.
I thought, too. Mexico.
one of my classmates in high school in MI, who was a drug pusher and witnessed a murder, got scared and disappeared and was found later in Mexico.

maybe Canada was too close from MI!?
Hmm, Brasil... I could go for that.

Mexico? I referred to our neighbors to the north. Does someone need a lesson in geography? Tee hee! Criminals from the US sometimes go to Mexico because the extradition laws are different, there is a better chance of bribing someone to keep quiet and you can get "lost" there. Besides who wants subarctic tundra when you can have sunny beaches and senoritas?
LIS, you have dodgy friends....

I would go to Mexico too, Canada is a bloody cold place

or Bali! :eyebrow:

or Cebu.....

actually ...right before the kidnap happened in Sipadan....was having drinks with a filipina friend of mine in Cebu and her friends. one of her friends told us that she's so happy now coz her fiance was back in town......and later I figured out that her fiance from Saudi....was...... hmmm......

hmmm.... I guess I have dodgy friends....
Batman, can I call you "friend" ?????

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