How about compared to the costs of scuba training 15 to 20 years ago.
In the mid '90s, OW training ran about $100. A couple years later, I paid less than $50 for Nitrox training.
What has caused the cost to go up 4 fold in less than 20 years?
Those were the prices, as far as I can remember, in GBP, back from the early 90's. Given inflation, I expect it to cost a little more now.
I never saw a $100 OW course back then... wish I had! It's probably a very regional thing... cheap costs in very active holiday markets, where competition drives prices down... and low cost of living/business operation allows those costs to hit a very low threshold allowing minimal per-course profit (balanced against bulk selling courses... not so nice).
Koh Tao, Thailand is the cheapest place I've seen (not been to Mexico/Honduras etc though). Lowest OW prices there are around the $150 mark... very crappy sausage factory approach though.
Often, the truth is common-sense... you get what you pay for.