Why does everyone say the snorkel is useless?

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Tampa Bay, Florida
Why does everyone seem to say that the snorkel, especially the dry snorkel, is a useless item?

I use my snorkel all the time on beach dives. I have, on occasion, made surface swims to dive sites almost a half mile out. The snorkel is invaluable on those unless you want to waste air.

What is the talk about the snorkel being useless?
Why does everyone seem to say that the snorkel, especially the dry snorkel, is a useless item?

I use my snorkel all the time on beach dives. I have, on occasion, made surface swims to dive sites almost a half mile out. The snorkel is invaluable on those unless you want to waste air.

What is the talk about the snorkel being useless?
This is my personal view only. I dive 99% in fresh water with little to no wave action. When I swim on the surface, I do so on my back.

Given this, first the snorkel does not help when swimming on my back. Second, I find it a huge bother while diving if attached to my mask as it is constantly floating up into my periferal vision and just plain a bother.

When diving in the ocean, I think they are a good idea to have handy just in case the waves are to much for swimming on your back without getting drowned by the waves.

My choice of snorkel is the type with the baffle and drain, I hate getting a mouth full of water when I'm supposed be getting air.
Why is a snorkel useless? Because unless you are snorkeling, its useless...
Let me count the ways
1. gets caught in your hair
2. creates drag
3. unneeded on surface swims
4. looks ugly in photographs
5. useless unless snorkeling
6. assists in ripping your mask off in large surge

Need I go on?
FWIW, I am a beach diver. I have traversed 4-5 ft surf swells, the snorkel would of been useless, no matter how dry they claim they are. I have yet to use a snorkel that works in rough surf. If you time the surf, and your breathing, you can accomplish the same result. Once past the surf line, I swim backwards, on my back, to my destination, then put the reg in my mouth for desent. Frontwards swimming, I have found, in the conditions I dive in, are an invitation to frustration.

PS, yes, I know my avatar has a snorkel in it...but it was painted before I knew any better LOL
Why does everyone seem to say that the snorkel, especially the dry snorkel, is a useless item?

The snorkel is VERY good for snorkeling. It is however 100% useless for diving.

Been done to death in many threads but there is no conceivable use for a snorkel when you have dive gear on, its useless underwater, not needed on the surface, causes drag, snags and is a complete and utter waste of time and effort.

You have a surface swim? No problem, swim on your back.

5-6ft seas == put the reg in. No snorkel works when submerged.

Please please please do a search and read those threads :)
David Evans:
Hmmm... I am intrigued by this concept...

Tell me more...

What is this "snorkel" you speak of?


Personally haven't used a snorkel since my last cert dive (when it was required)...and have never found a need to use one since.
Snorkel can't be used effectively in the ocean, since the waves constantly dump water into it. Swim on your back, if the waves are to big, insert reg and go under. The only place a snorkel could be usefull is as a "Mouth to Snorkel" device during rescue breathing, but even that has lost it's appeal since most snorkels now have contraptions to stop water coming in, and valves to get water out. So, really, the only use for it, is to beat your buddy over the head if he does something stupid.
I thought a snorkel was a colorful doorstop
As John Wayne puts it in The Quiet Man when asked if he wanted a whiskey and water,
"When I drink water, I drink water. When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey".

When I dive, I dive. When I snorkel, I snorkel. Simple as that.
I use a snorkle when teaching because I have to. I dont use one when I am diving in general and I'm not allowed to use one whan I cave dive. They are useful for inexperienced people when on the surface in choppy conditions.

I don;t do beach dives in this region so its usually in and down. Remember, if you come up with enough air you can always use your reg if it gets really bad.

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