Why do you use nitrox ?

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I have not noticed any difference in narcosis susceptibility between nitrox and air.

YMMV ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
You feel Nitrox reduces narcosis?

Or at least lessens memory loss and coordination problems?

Why do you feel this way? What do you base this on?

I'm only saying it changes something for me, I dove air for about 15 years before trying nitrox. I was stunned by the difference in myself after doing a familiar dive on a different gas. I don't think I've ever met anyone who has had the same result. I did a dive to 135 on nitrox and was so fuzzy headed I couldn't even tell when I needed to clear my ears or add air to my wing. I took my cue from my buddy, when he did it I did it. I would be interested in trying trimix on the same dive to see if there is a noticeable difference on a deep dive.
Ber :lilbunny:
Do you have references that provide a basis for these statements??

No, I'm talking out my ass because I am not Tri mix certified. My point is if one dive that same recreational limit dive on EAN (21% to 50%) vs. Heliox or Tri mix, will one be affected as severly by the narcotic effects of oxygen as one would be by the narcotic effects of nitrogen?

Miketsp is basically stating that oxygen is narcotic as nitrogen. I surmise that he is using it as an argument aginst the use and cost of Nitrox or other mixes used to reduce nitrogen loading.

I don't know of any scuba certification agencies that are teaching this. Do you?
I am going to disagree with you because the narcotic affect of oxygen does not factor in shallower than about 300 feet sea water. Otherwise all the trimix trained divers would have wasted all that money on learning to and using helium to reduce/remove the narcotic effects from breathing nitrogen at depth. Anyway, who dives deep enough, regularly to get narced on oxygen?

Well Rick already gave the answer I was about to give.

Have you actually checked out any trimix training material?
You'll find that practically all of it uses the (100% - He) rule.

NOAA Diving Manual, Diving for Science and Technology. 4th. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2002. "[] ... since oxygen has some narcotic properties, it is appropriate to include the oxygen in the END calculation when using trimixes (Lambersten et al. 1977,1978). The non-helium portion (i.e., the sum of the oxygen and the nitrogen) is to be regarded as having the same narcotic potency as an equivalent partial pressure of nitrogen in air, regardless of the proportions of oxygen and nitrogen."

Some years ago the rule was to consider only the N2 as narcotic but AFAIK current thinking is based on the fact that although oxygen has greater lipid solubility than nitrogen and therefore should be more narcotic (Meyer-Overton correlation), it is likely that some of the oxygen is metabolized, thus reducing its effect to a level similar to that of nitrogen.

You can also check out
Rubicon Research Repository: Item 123456789/2810

"Title: Roles of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide in compressed-air narcosis

Abstract: In an attempt to determine the roles of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide in compressed-air narcosis, the effects on performance (mental function and manual dexterity) of adding CO2 in various concentrations to the inspired gas under three different conditions were studied in eight healthy male volunteers. The three conditions were: (1) air breathing at 1.3 ATA; (2) oxygen breathing at 1.7 ATA; and (3) air breathing at 8.0 ATA (same inspired O2 pressure as in (2)). By relating performance to the changes induced in end-tidal (alveolar) gas pressures, and comparing the data from the three conditions, we arrived at the following results and conclusions. A rise in O2 pressure to 1.65 ATA, or in N2 pressure to 6.3 ATA at a constant high PO2 level, caused a significant decrement of 10percent in mental function but no consistent effect on psychomotor function. A rise in end-tidal PCO2 of 10 mmHg caused an impairment of approximately 10percent in both mental and psychomotor functions. The results suggest that, at raised partial pressures, all three gases have narcotic properties,....."

I'm really curious where the 300 FSW figure that you quoted comes from.
No, I'm talking out my ass because I am not Tri mix certified. My point is if one dive that same recreational limit dive on EAN (21% to 50%) vs. Heliox or Tri mix, will one be affected as severly by the narcotic effects of oxygen as one would be by the narcotic effects of nitrogen?

Miketsp is basically stating that oxygen is narcotic as nitrogen. I surmise that he is using it as an argument aginst the use and cost of Nitrox or other mixes used to reduce nitrogen loading.

I don't know of any scuba certification agencies that are teaching this. Do you?

No way am I advocating against EAN. I use it at every opportunity to extend medium depth dives.
However there is a lot of misconception going around about the narcotic effect of O2 and divers (*) need to be aware that they will get just as narced on EAN as on air.

(*) with the exception of Ber Rabbit, I note. :wink:
miketsp, thanks for the information. I guess that I am getting my narcosis understanding mixed up because I am starting to think in PO2's with variable gas percentages that can be acheived with the use of a rebreather vs. the mainstream here in this discussion of fixed percentages of gas that change in PO2 depending on depth.
Another sticker .... I have this one on a bunch of my tanks ...


... I got them here ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
The usual reasons of extended bottom time and margin of error. But also, if everyone else is using it--me or no one else has to end the dive early. If everyone's using Air so do I.
More time in the water.

That seems like too simple of an answer....here:

rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble "PPO2" rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble "snorkels" rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble "oxygen" rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble "trimix" rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble "END" rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble "MOF"


I'm going to get in trouble for this :eyebrow:

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