mer:You also have to realize the economics of things. It is not a wise economic decision for an LDS to make divers self sufficient -- therefore they will never help you with that.
Satisfying consumer demand tends to be economically beneficial in most fields - why should scuba be any different? If you look around long enough, you can find LDS's who are not afraid of self sufficient divers. They actually see these self-sufficient dives as a resource bringing new divers into the sport and sending experienced diver customers their way. Just like most folks don't want to maintain their own cars, most divers would not want to have to service their own gear. I know I really appreciate the shops that I have found that will supply my needs at a reasonable cost and I make sure to send all I can their way and away from those shops who only want to cultivate dependent divers.
I suspect the economics and good will works out strongly in their favor.