Why did you go PRO

Why did you decide to go PRO..be honest!

  • To improve my knowledge and skills

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • To share my skills and knowledge with others

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • To make money

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • To impress my dive buddies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other..explain

    Votes: 7 25.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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For those of you who are dive pros (ie. DM and up) Just wondering what was your initial intention when going pro.
I "chose to share my skills"

Because you didn't have one that said anything about sharing my love of diving with others. I became a teacher so I could share the excitmeent of it. I can't begin to express how it makes me feel when I teach someone how to dive and then see their face just light up when they have that first "wow" experience. They don't write paychecks big enough to cancel that out for me. You can ge the longer winded answer at my personal web site... http://www.learn-scuba.com
BSA Policy requires the group leader to be DM or above. We have a number of divers in our Troop & Venture Crew who wanted to do more organized trips, so a couple of us took the plunge to becoming DMs.

As for my becoming and Instructor, I have NEVER planned to do it and candidly, I am not sure HOW/WHY it happened. Right now I am glad I did, but I can certainly see why its important to maintain the balance between instruction and FUN diving....much to my wife's chagrine (she thinks its ALL fun diving -- she is a non-diver).
:wacko: I wound up going into both technical diving and becoming an instructor in a weird way. As a member of a Sheriff's Department Marine Division Dive Team, I was asked by the then-commanding officer to set up an in-house diver training program. That meant that I had to become both a certified police instructor, and a certified diving instructor.

I did both, and in the process, to be able to up-grade my skills, and the quality of the information I can pass on to my students, I took a lot more technical, as well as police diving training.

I am now an Instructor Trainer in IANTD'S Public Safety Diving program, a certified DMT, and a mixed-gas CCR diver, as well as being both a police officer and pilot.

As to WHY this all came about, I can only turn to my favorite quote from Hunter Thompson: "When the going gets WEIRD, the weird turn PRO!" :mouth:
Never really planned on becoming a dive instructor, it just sort of happened over 4 years of diving.

I now teach for the love of it, there is nothing better than taking a first time diver underwater and watching their face the first time they breath underwater.

I also teach to support my technical diving addiction :wink:
In a similar vein as to reasons for going 'Pro'......I'm certified thru Rescue, I'm a master diver with a number of specialities I could get but haven't gotten the cards signed off on. The next real step would be DM for which I've always shied away from. I put together dive trips for friends which has expanded into a loose business putting more and more trips together a year....I average about 8-10 a year. I always have qualified DM's and instructors on the trips as does the boat if we are boat diving. My thought was that I already have enough liability as it is above water, that I don't need to assume additional liability below water. However, a number of people have suggested that the insurance via Naui or Padi is very protective and would do me more good even as a charter coordinator. Any thouhts on the pros and cons regarding these two schools of thought?
Ms Wench would you happen to be the orginal Wrech wench running NC trips aboard the diver down with bobby cox ?
Scubatooth once bubbled...
Ms Wench would you happen to be the orginal Wrech wench running NC trips aboard the diver down with bobby cox ?

Yes that would be me in the flesh! So are you a DM or instructor? Any advice for a fellow Texan looking at whether to turn pro or not?
Simple, for all the chicks, the glamour and fame. To be able to stand out from the crowd and have them look to me in reverence and aw! To be able to say, "I'm a Pro", and have all my meals paid for by those who hang on my every word. I wanted to be part of the few, the bold, the PRO Divers.

Stay tuned for more BS...er...facts about why you too should go pro.

Seriously, I have no idea:confused:

It just sort of evolved that way.
im currently going through my divemaster course with a private instructor. The reason i decided to take a pro course was for my desire to teach others (i would like to become a instructor in the future but not for a couple of years).

Plus with me being active in the Boy Scouts and the requirements of a minimum level of a DM for a leader, but also im currently working with some local council officals to get a scuba training program at one of the summer camps that the council has.

As far as the legal risk, i have read the paperwork and standards that are expected of me and as long as i stay withing this standards i will be protected by my agencies legal department. most of the items that i have to follow i am familair with because of the graphic and web design that i do and the contracts and agreements i have for them.

but the main goal is for be to become a better diver in phyiscal and mental skills.


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