Info Why are tables not taught in OW classes anymore?

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Nerd on the loop, petral on the left wrist, perdix on the right. Or Perdix and Teric if diving open circuit. Either way I'm covered lol.
Yeah, but we know you are weird because you don't use any can't possibly uptake much nitrogen..... :D

Dang I've been demoted. Just back from a 2 week vacation. Did 32 dives with 38 hours of dive time. On some days only did 2 dives but on those days did a 90 minute plus morning dive followed by an 80 minute afternoon dive.

On two days we have a French couple and the gas hog is the lass diving. She was as tall as I am 185cm and looked slim but not skinny.
So on some dives she did ok to get an hours dive in and others she was ending with 20 bar but we had to keep her shallow. So one one dive we don't go deep but by half an hour I have to bring her up to make sure she can do at least 55 mins. She looks at my spg and shakes her head. Back on the boat she is asking why why why is it so with you on air. I tell her I am lazy and don't swim or move a lot.

Actually I am liking my Cressi the more I dive with it. Range at top right means time to 50 bar from any point on the dive. So staying at 8m I would have another 67 minutes of dive time to 50 bar at current consumption rate. Add that to the 31 minutes already dived and you can see why I do 90 minute or longer dive times. I have a DM with me who is better on air but he feels colder than I do.

I look at my tables from time to time in my office when bored. Don't take them with me on dives.
If my Perdix had a failure I can use the Cressi as it gives me the information needed I can just go shallow to finish a dive. I let my Perdix do what I cannot, and that is calculate NDL in real time on multilevel dives.

Today’s divers rely upon the dive computer, an algorithm, tell them what they have already done, without any understanding by the diver of the underlying physiology of their recent dive.
How is this any different then relying on a set of tables, which is just another method of presenting the output from some algorithm? There certainly is no understanding of the underlying physiology involved in the process reading off pressure groups and plugging them into the repetitive dive portion of the chart. Hopefully that is a subject covered elsewhere in the training process.
Hi @Blackcrusader I assume your Perdix is not AI, or you would have GTR, and would not use your Cressi gauge except as a noncomputer backup.

I don't want to use a transmitter so bought the Perdix AI that does not have that. I bought the Cressi as I had poor eyesight and like the large digital display. I just enter start and ending gas pressures into log if I want to. It is also a lot cheaper than paying for the AI and transmitter and gives redundancy. I just had a friend by the Perdix AI with no transmitter for UK sterling 613 delivered. Quite the bargain. He also does not want to use a transmitter.

When I bought my TG6 I could not see the super macro things I was taking photos of. I just pressed the shutter and waited till the green focus square appeared then took several shots. Cressi also good for my TDI ANDP course where you need a backup with depth & time as part of the course requires using tables and bottom timer with no DC.

In Feb 2022 I had my tri focal lenses and cataracts done. Vaporize your eye lenses and have tailor made lenses installed. Works great. Perfect vision for the rest of my life.
Perdix AI with no transmitter for UK sterling 613 delivered. Quite the bargain. He also does not want to use a transmitter.
I don't understand that, AI is a great feature with the Perdix AI , why not use it, cost of the transmitter?
I also dive with 2 computers [on some shallow dives it is a computer and bottom timer] , Perdix AI right wrist, another computer or timer left wrist.
The problem is pushing the limits, not inherently computers.
This summed it up perfectly IMHO. ☑️
Perfect vision for the rest of my life.
I thought that too. My cataracts were done 7 yrs ago. Now I need glasses for the best acuity. But it is still MUCH better than before!
I thought that too. My cataracts were done 7 yrs ago. Now I need glasses for the best acuity. But it is still MUCH better than before!

look into tri focul intraocular lenses. This is what I had done together with cataracts.

I don't understand that, AI is a great feature with the Perdix AI , why not use it, cost of the transmitter?
I also dive with 2 computers [on some shallow dives it is a computer and bottom timer] , Perdix AI right wrist, another computer or timer left wrist.

OK if I was diving with you in QLD I would have to finish a dive with 50 bar. Legal requirement yes?
My sac rate is fine. Most of the time my dive times are limited by the dive buddy I am with. I did one dive which was second dive of the day where you could say I pushed the NDL on my vacation this month. Not really deep but did maintain enough depth so that at 55 minute mark NDL was at 6 minutes.

Previous dive in the morning had been to a wreck at max depth 37m.
Ended up with an 78 minute dive by going shallower for the rest of the dive. PPO2 is good, CNS fine, Surf GF fine.


18 FEB DIVE.jpg
Okay, now I’m curious; how if your computer dies on the first dive of the day, do you program that first dive into the backup computer?

Carry 2
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