This is a very good discussion of the sextant and Apollo missions.
Nerdfighteria Wiki - The Old Sailors' Tool That Saved Apollo 13
The Old Sailors' Tool That Saved Apollo
They not only made it, but they in Apollo 13 came within 2 miles of their recovery ship
Now, that comment about always having a Plan B applies to divers too, hence tables or a backup computer.
I only used a sextant once, when on a long oceanographic cruise and one of my shipmates was a Power Squadron instructor. He showed me how to use it, and I did the sightings, used the book, looked at the clock, and announced our position. This was pre-GPS, but we did have Loran-C. I was off by about 2 miles. My friends said, "Don't ever do this again, you'll never get as close as that again!"