You keep bringing this up, about non-DIR folks coming in to this forum to argue that DIR is wrong. And I'm not unsympathetic or disbelieving that this happens in general. But I don't understand your antipathy toward people who are answering a question in this thread that was asked about them.
Let's turn this around and imagine that someone started a thread elsewhere on SB, not in the DIR forum, asking why GUE does or forbids X, and GUE folks answered in that thread. Would you agree with criticisms that they should stay in their lane and stop telling the rest of us how to dive? Or would you think that GUE divers are the best people to answer the question that was asked, about why GUE divers do X? And if so, why isn't the reverse true--why aren't non-GUE divers the best people to answer a question about why non-GUE divers do Y? And when Y is some variation on "not doing GUE," well, yeah, the answer may involve some less-than-favorable assessments of GUE. Characterizing those good-faith attempts to answer the question as "being here to argue that DIR is wrong" tends to, at the very least, bolster the perception that GUE is not open to dissent.
It’s useful when you have the context of the sub-conversation:
Manatee said:
Wibble - You are arguing with someone that is at the Fundies level. I don't see what he is saying because he is on ignore for me, but he isn't going to be able to make a convincing case to you simply because he doesn't have the breadth of experience required to answer your questions.
To which I replied:
Just by reading the way he formats his replies, I would say that he is not interested in being convinced/educated of anything as it pertains to DiR. He is here to argue that DiR is wrong.