WAHOO! Udpate from House Rep Greg Hill
At this point in the game, this is the best we could have hoped for. The Consent Calendar is always passed on a voice vote (ALL THE BILLS done in one vote) so the only thing bad would be if some other rep decided to pull the bill off the consent calendar and asked that it would be opposed on the floor of the full house. Not likely, but it is still possible. Otherwise, I would say we are good to go for the Senate! It would be an EXCELLENT gesture if we could have the Diving Community send a note of thanks to the members of the Fish and Game committee and those especially on the subcommittee. They did all the heavy lifting on this one.
Here is the commentary (we call it a blurb) that accompanied the bill in the calendar written by the subcommittee chair……
HB 1455-FN, relative to special licenses for taking lobster while engaged in recreational scuba diving. OUGHT TO PASS WITH AMENDMENT.
Rep. Lyle E Bulis for Fish and Game and Marine Resources: This amended bill provides license availability to scuba divers for the taking of legally sized lobster during the month of September. A scuba licensee can not hold a recreational or commercial lobster harvesting license, nor can the holder of a commercial or recreational license also hold a scuba license. A subcommittee and the sponsor crafted the amendment in a manner that satisfied all concerns and allows scuba divers access to a state resource. Vote 12-0.
At this point in the game, this is the best we could have hoped for. The Consent Calendar is always passed on a voice vote (ALL THE BILLS done in one vote) so the only thing bad would be if some other rep decided to pull the bill off the consent calendar and asked that it would be opposed on the floor of the full house. Not likely, but it is still possible. Otherwise, I would say we are good to go for the Senate! It would be an EXCELLENT gesture if we could have the Diving Community send a note of thanks to the members of the Fish and Game committee and those especially on the subcommittee. They did all the heavy lifting on this one.
Here is the commentary (we call it a blurb) that accompanied the bill in the calendar written by the subcommittee chair……
HB 1455-FN, relative to special licenses for taking lobster while engaged in recreational scuba diving. OUGHT TO PASS WITH AMENDMENT.
Rep. Lyle E Bulis for Fish and Game and Marine Resources: This amended bill provides license availability to scuba divers for the taking of legally sized lobster during the month of September. A scuba licensee can not hold a recreational or commercial lobster harvesting license, nor can the holder of a commercial or recreational license also hold a scuba license. A subcommittee and the sponsor crafted the amendment in a manner that satisfied all concerns and allows scuba divers access to a state resource. Vote 12-0.