Who Uses their SMB and Deploys it At Depth Before Ascending to the surface

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This guy was the real deal. The smells of leather and polish and old I mean older than me sewing machines. Shoes lined up on the racks and the cats paw sign! No iphones going through those sewing machines! :)
If not coming up the shot or anchor line, either my buddy or I will deploy the DSMB. It is a standard part of our dive kit - some even carry two DSMBs....
Thanks Peter for starting this topic. I didn't know about it until I received the email with the 'July highlights'. I find it very interesting and educational to read through the posts. You already know I won't do one single dive without having an smb with me. And yes, I'll have to use my ears too.

This is a good thread. And it brings up a question: Just by luck I have never had to deploy my SMB. I have watched a diver leader do it a number of times. My question is what do you do with the SMB once on the surface? I reaized while reading this thread, once on the surface I have never noticed what people do with theirs I have been getting my act ready to get on the boat.

I get while floating on the surface in the open ocean/lake it is an added maker that is much higher out of the water than 2 diver's heads. But once you have been spotted and the boat that will pick you up approaches, what is proper procedure? Do you keep it inflated all the way to the boat arrives and hand it up to the boat inflated or once the boat sees you do you deflate it, roll it up and stow it? I don't think I have ever seen SMB when getting on the boat or handed up from other divers.

Next time I am in the water, I will be doing a little practice after reading this.
This is a good thread. And it brings up a question: Just by luck I have never had to deploy my SMB. I have watched a diver leader do it a number of times. My question is what do you do with the SMB once on the surface? I reaized while reading this thread, once on the surface I have never noticed what people do with theirs I have been getting my act ready to get on the boat.

I get while floating on the surface in the open ocean/lake it is an added maker that is much higher out of the water than 2 diver's heads. But once you have been spotted and the boat that will pick you up approaches, what is proper procedure? Do you keep it inflated all the way to the boat arrives and hand it up to the boat inflated or once the boat sees you do you deflate it, roll it up and stow it? I don't think I have ever seen SMB when getting on the boat or handed up from other divers.

Next time I am in the water, I will be doing a little practice after reading this.

I leave it inflated and hand to the boat crew. Once on board I'll recover it, deflate and stow it away ready to use again.
I leave it inflated and hand to the boat crew. Once on board I'll recover it, deflate and stow it away ready to use again.
Same for me..
The French do some screwy things diving, but one thing they have got right is the dSMB.

French law requires that all buddy pairs have a dSMB with them. Standard practice is for boats to drop a shot line onto the site dived, and then to go up and down that. However, you deploy the dSMB if you are comming up away from the line, or if there is a problem. Sometimes when the boat knows there will be a strong surface current and staying on the line during a deco stop might be 'sporty' the SOP will be to deco on the dSMB.

similarly, they like using fixed SMBs, especially during a drift dive.


(This is a good thread. And it brings up a question: Just by luck I have never had to deploy my SMB. I have watched a diver leader do it a number of times. My question is what do you do with the SMB once on the surface? I reaized while reading this thread, once on the surface I have never noticed what people do with theirs I have been getting my act ready to get on the boat.

I get while floating on the surface in the open ocean/lake it is an added maker that is much higher out of the water than 2 diver's heads. But once you have been spotted and the boat that will pick you up approaches, what is proper procedure? Do you keep it inflated all the way to the boat arrives and hand it up to the boat inflated or once the boat sees you do you deflate it, roll it up and stow it? I don't think I have ever seen SMB when getting on the boat or handed up from other divers.)

Yes and Yes. Depending on the prevailing circumstances. Or you and your buddy can have SMB fights on the surface too, banging each other over the head with your SMB acting out any particular scene from Star Wars ;) B

Nathalie_nl it's nice to see you posting again. I hope you are recovering well.
Yes and Yes. Depending on the prevailing circumstances. Or you and your buddy can have SMB fights on the surface too, banging each other over the head with your SMB acting out any particular scene from Star Wars ;) B
which also serve as a good way to numb your scull a bit before the boat crew hit you in the head with the bouy at the end of the pickup line..
I always carry SMB, and if you dive off my boat you would too, and know how to use it! If buddy pairs get separated and only one of you is carrying one, what happens? They should be deployed at the end of a dive, and by the time you have ascended, your boat will have had time to locate you and be ready to pick you up when you surface.

Mind you, I am in the UK and suffer crap viz in cold green water with strong currents most of the time!

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