Boogie711:The Scout and the PT are identical - both use the same bulb and assembly, so any allegations of overdriving the bulb are moot. The PT 'should' have the same "I absolutely need this light to turn on now" reliability, and arguably even more since it uses a double O-Ring seal, not just one.
Furthermore, it has a definite on/off point, making you less likely to back it off too far and risk flooding it. I love my PT's.
Time will tell on the reliability issue, but I've seen several reports of people taking them on 400' dives without issue.
Like I said - I don't know why the PT killed my Scout - they're the same basic light assembly. It could be my Scout is many years old, it could be the Scout's lens is cloudy from age... who knows. But the difference in light output was demonstrable (even when IU traded batts between them) and its way way smoother to operate. And its cheaper (sort of...)