Apeks regs are made and sold in the EU and therefore have to meet the minimum standards of EN250.
In fact Apeks regs exceed these minimums by a considerable margin.
Following an investigation by the UK HSE it was found that some regulators couldn't meet the EN250 standard with two divers breathing from the regulator (i.e. one first stage supplying a primary and octopus with a diver breathing off each) so there is to be a new standard introduced EN250A which requires regulators to meet the EN250 standard with two divers breathing from it. IIRC the new standard requires the regulator to not exceed the EN250 limits but with two divers breathing from it at a depth of 30 metres and a water temperature of 10 degrees C. Apeks regulators actually don't exceed the limits at 50m and 5 deg C.
Incidentally, HOG regs are copies of Apeks but HOG haven't gone to the expense of having them CE marked so they can't be legally sold in the EU nor could a diver "at work" use them however there's nothing to stop you personally importing them and using them on personal dives.