gangrel441:Another one demonstrated above which you need to include, however, is divers/instructors exceeding their limits in an attempt to rescue another diver. The oft forgotten rule here is that no one ever helped another diver by becoming a victim themselves. What one in the heat of the moment may think is being heroic, often turns out to in fact be stupid and detrimental to the rescue effort.
I don't think most ins/DMs in this scenario would think of their acts as "heroic". If you've ever been on that scenario, as Tom's brother, you'd know how complex it is. Thinking that the guy sees it as heroic is a bit naive, and please take no offence with this.
There you are, with the responsibility both moral and legal (and sometimes the liability) of rescuing somebody, in a situation that you think you can control and with a bitter feeling of seeing the guy die in front of your eyes... hmmm... a pretty tough call, certainly.
"One victim is always better than two" should be any rescuer's lema, but, oh man, how difficult it is to assess the certainty of having two, one or none.
Safe bubbling, Gio.