Who is Master Chief

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Master Chief

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Well the love letters are building up, I've received wonderful and not so wonderful emails expressing divers concerns, questions, and not so wonderful hated my responce responces. I am CANADIAN and I love our Canadian beer. I have spent most of my life as an air mixed gas commercial diver and have worked in wonderfull and not so wondefull coast lines around the world. These days tec diving has taken over from the commercial work I once did. I spend allot of time on Ebay spending lots of cash and fill my basement up with diving memrabilia treasures. This board is great but it has a few flaws. "Mediators" A bulleting board should be a place were anything flys as you all know divers are the most opinionated peaple of any sport and arguments are second nature. Mediators let the board fly.

Master Chief
and also proud that the owners of this board bestowed the privilege of being a moderator. The moderators do let things “fly”, what we try to do, is keep things on an even keel, stop mud slinging, ask for proof when someone – from a newcomer to the board to even the moderators – states an opinion that can be seen as controversial.

It is felt that a member’s words are what other board member judge each other on. A member shines and tarnishes on their own merits.
I was out for a little drive one Sunday, didn't realize I was lost 'till I stopped in a little store & all the money was different colors.
Never even noticed I'd crossed over into Canada. oops...

Regulators assure that the website doesn't wind up getting hit by "net nanny" type blocking software.
Not to mention it's more fun posting without having to wear Nomex underwear.
DivingGal once bubbled...
and also proud that the owners of this board bestowed the privilege of being a moderator. The moderators do let things “fly”, what we try to do, is keep things on an even keel, stop mud slinging, ask for proof when someone – from a newcomer to the board to even the moderators – states an opinion that can be seen as controversial.

It is felt that a member’s words are what other board member judge each other on. A member shines and tarnishes on their own merits.

I feel the moderators do a great job of regulating the threads and keeping things under control.I have no doubt this is the best forum on the internet.Look at this board compared to some of the others.....can you say flame :mean: :boom:
Master Chief once bubbled...
Well the love letters are building up, I've received wonderful and not so wonderful emails expressing divers concerns, questions, and not so wonderful hated my responce responces. I am CANADIAN and I love our Canadian beer. I have spent most of my life as an air mixed gas commercial diver and have worked in wonderfull and not so wondefull coast lines around the world. These days tec diving has taken over from the commercial work I once did. I spend allot of time on Ebay spending lots of cash and fill my basement up with diving memrabilia treasures. This board is great but it has a few flaws. "Mediators" A bulleting board should be a place were anything flys as you all know divers are the most opinionated peaple of any sport and arguments are second nature. Mediators let the board fly.

Master Chief

This board runs very smoothly, in my opinion. That is partly due to the fact that the people on the board keep discussions on a relatively even keel, without resorting to personal attacks.

Your post on another thread was deleted because of some very inflammatory words used against another member. It was way out of line. The regulators were right in pulling that post, and I'm glad they did it as quickly as they did. If you can't see the issues that were involved, then I'm guessing that you're going to be unhappy with a regulator again.

I'm glad the regulators are here, and I hope they continue to do their jobs as well as I've seen.
Who is Master Chief...who cares
The regulators here do a great job an help assure that it is a board that people of all ages can use. Intelligent conversations can be had without pornography or inappropriate pictures.
I have to agree with Aquatec. Who is Master Chief...who cares I dont want to know some one who cant even control themselves enough not to post porn on a message board that has minors on it or one that is about scuba. Very disrespectful and very distasteful.
The guy who posts pictures of his new orange scooter on October 25, then on October 28 asks which scooter he should buy. Then he proceeds to insult people and post obscene images when he's called on it.
So is this a Technical Question?

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