Who is going to be out at CSSP 25 or 26?

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Hi, guys. Sorry, but I guess I'll have to be the onshore chef for a while longer. I had family issues pop up, so I won't be checking out just yet. I will be working in the pool to get the hang of things again, though...
Correction... I will *definitely* be out there first thing Sunday morning. Where is everyone going to meet? The NW dock by the airplane?

I drive a White F-150 w/ "denton Shed & Doghouse" on the sides & gate.


I'm gonna try to be there Sunday. I don't get off work until 7, so it'll be 9:30 or 10 before I can get there, but I'll be in the blue Expedition, and I'll be down at the usual place (the last wooden entry on the NW side).
Don't rush it, Sherry. Take your time. The bottom line is diving is supposed to be fun, and we're going to be around when you're ready. :)
I am going to see about running out Sunday for a dip.
I'm gonna try to be there Sunday. I don't get off work until 7, so it'll be 9:30 or 10 before I can get there, but I'll be in the blue Expedition, and I'll be down at the usual place (the last wooden entry on the NW side).

Well, if you're gonna be there, I guess I'll mosey on out! :wink:
Luck-eeeeeeee! Yall have a great time, I gotta dive vicariously through you for a while... I expect full reports, pleez! My surgery went great, no complications, I should be back in the water in a month or so.

Sherry, at the end of my first OW class, I wasn't ready to check out when the others were (quick crash course, cold water, all male firemen- quite intimidating cause it must be a requirement to be a hottie?, and a very thorough & knowledgeable but somewhat cocky instructor.) I knew I wasn't ready, so I didn't even try- at least you tried!

So, I took another full OW class with a different, very patient instructor who told me that even if it took me a year, he was there for the long haul, no hurry, and not to do anything I wasn't comfortable with. Due to my tenacious nature and my strong desire to dive, I did keep with it until I was very comfortable, and ready to check out. Now, I see that I got the best of both worlds with two instructors and a thorough training period. This is not a race, and as Ken so aptly put it, diving is supposed to be fun. Please don't let pressure to "finish", etc., put a stress into this for you. It can take a while to relax and find the joy of diving.

I'll be there for you asap, and we'll take some slow, relaxing & fun dives that will make all this effort worth it. BTW, I tried on the Zena recently, I do think that's the BC for me. I want to try yours on, also, for size comparison before I order, please. See you soon, the lake will still be there when the speed bumps of life slow down...

Yeah, I know. I had a great teacher with my first pool class, but it was too cold to go to the lake. When I did go to the lake, it was a bad experience, and information came out recently that shot my confidence all the heck. To be honest, now I'm afraid, because of a lack of trust. Luckily, Jeff is being very patient with me in the pool to get my confidence back. I'm just way too stressed out. We just found out that my dad's sick, and nobody knows what's wrong with him. He can't breathe, and he's just getting worse and worse. That's taking my concentration away from everything else, obviously. Anyway, rest assured that I haven't given up. I've never given up on anything else, and this isn't where I intend to start. How can I save the coral reefs if I can't dive? :wink:

Anytime you want to try my Zena, just let me know. I know I love it. It works perfectly for me. Glad to hear you came through okay, and hope to see you soon. Get well soon!

Erika says hi!

Sherry,,, my thoughts are with you and your dad....hope they can make a diagnosis soon,,,,,scuba can always wait,,,,family first, keep us posted. Alan
Tell Erika that I miss her, and the spiders! I will certainly lift up a prayer for your family, especially your dad and a quick recovery. Family is definitely the most important thing here, focus where you need to. I have had a huge amount of stress myself these past few weeks, also... I will admit, however, that the two hours I spent diving a couple of weeks ago put me in my happy place for a time, where I didn't think or worry about any of the "stuff."

Since I can't dive either for a while, you and I can hang out topside at the lake, until you finish your cert. I'm sure we can find plenty of stories to tell, food to cook, and wine to taste. ;o)


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