reefraff:Bob has brought up a good point regarding the relative efficacy of argon. There was a small study done a few years ago that shows fairly definitively that if you're breathing EAN mixes there isn't much point to argon - save your money and use air. On the other hand, if you're diving TMX there is a big point and the higher the He content and the colder the water the bigger that point gets.
If you're diving air, I don't know if its worth it to bring a separate suit inflation bottle along at all. I just run another hose off my backgas and use that, leaving my argon bottle ashore.
Ok, let's not side-track on why would anyone start breathing off your 6cf bottle thinking it's their pony... and lets not go into argon vs. placebo effect.. I've seen enough discussions on that.. I just wanted to get the specifics on a DIR choice of size for argon bottle. So,.. At this point I am leaning towards 6cf since I dont do cave diving. My intended type of diving will be for open water (very minimum wreck penetration) with 120MOD (TriOx) dives. I dont have the means of pre-flushing my suit from a big bottle, and I do intend to use the same bottle for 3 consecutive dives before refilling so, you think 6CuFt. will be enough?
I've noticed those Canadians :cheeky: at http://www.mossmanscubaventures.com use argon bottle, could you tell me if those 6cu.ft. Bottles?