Which 6 site to request in Key Largo ?

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My wife and I are getting up at 4:30Am and heading down to Key Largo. Last month we did the Duane and Grove. I'd like to get in 4 dives tomorrow and 2 Friday morning. What 6 sites should I request ? Our preference would be sea life / color / maybe 1 wreck.

I'd to the Grove and French, then Molasses and Snappers Ledge. After that, I'd try the City of Washington and heck, Molasses would always be a choice in Key Largo.

Who are you diving with? Capt. Brian at Island Ventures knows all these sites well. He discovered Snapper's Ledge, and that reef teams with life. Last time I dove it, my wife and I were treated to a ballett performance of 5 yellowhead jaw fish who were out of their holes hovering about 1 foot off the sand. What a sight!!!!!
I'll second all of Subaguy62's suggestions !!!!! They are all great dives with lots of coral and sealife. Another one I would add would be the Benwood Wreck.

I agree. I personally like the Benwood, too. A nice, shallow, historic wreck from WWII with great life all over it.
Just got back from Key Largo last Thursday. Hope the seas have started laying down. We had 4-6' seas all week. Everyone said it was very unusual for this time of year. The Speigel Grove had the best vis, 75-80', but the City of Washington had the most fish. Several very friendly nurse sharks, and large jewfish looking for handouts. We did French Reef twice and there were lots of fish, but vis was only 30-40 feet due to the heavy surge from the wave activity.
Thank you for your responses...

We went to Key Largo last Thursday. Got in 4 one hour dives in 28-31 fsw. We were shallow-dived out at the end of the day. 2 dives on Molasses, then City of Washington and North North Dry Docks. I don't want to hurt anyone's livlihood but - I'm spoiled with the diving I have in Broward... The water is very clear down there though.

I won't mention names but the morning outing had something like 32 or 39 divers. One of their 2 boats was broke so they stuck everyone on 1 boat. I've never been on a boat where there are 3 dives and you get to choose 2 and sit out one. But I was relaxed so I asked the captain if we could maybe do the Benwood and French reef in the afternoon. He said ok so we booked it. Much less crowded and we were the only divers from the morning. Upon departure he announced we would be diving the sites I requested. But 45 minutes later when he stopped the boat he had changed his mind. "I've decided to stop here (city of washington) instead. When you get in the water you'll understand why". Beats me - it sure had nothing to do with conditions (flat / no current).

I guess its my fault for not doing more homework. Its true I didn't want to dive the Duane and Grove (did those in March) but the "The FLorida Keys Dive Guide" by Frink & Harringan depicts Molasses as going to 89 feet. Didn't see it.

Sorry for the sour grapes. Drove home that night and dove local on Friday.
Ihp you asked about locations in they keys what do you recommend in broward. I live in the middle I've gone south to the places all of the members have said I would like to check out your neck of the woods. thanks for any info.
alex t.
Hi Alex,
You're welcome to join us for some beach diving one weekend soon. A group of us gets together pretty regularly and goes off the beaches from Pompano to Hollywood. We also do a boat dive now and again, but usually focus on shore diving because of the flexible schedule and the fact that you can dive for the price of 2 hours on the parking meter and a fill.

Check out the "Private Trips" folder for some of our most recent adventures. We usually post someting on Wednesday or Thursday, and dive on Saturday and Sunday, though there are a lot of other opportunities in that same folder for night dives, Venice shark tooth dives, cavern trips, etc.

Hope to see you soon,
alex trinchet:
Ihp you asked about locations in they keys what do you recommend in broward. I live in the middle I've gone south to the places all of the members have said I would like to check out your neck of the woods. thanks for any info.
alex t.

Here's a link to some wreck info
Here's the reefs

(I'm not affiliated with dixie - but I do spend alot of time/money there).

If you liked the City of Washington - you should like the Copenhagen (also called the Pompano Drop-Off or Balls).

Some of my favorite reefs are Gouper Bend (off Pompano) Finks Grouper Hole (off Delray) and Chalfonte Reef (off Boca). All make great drift dives. You will see tons of life including sharks (2 this year - not including the nurses), turtles (almost every dive) , rays and morays.

And by the way - I wasn't berating the advice I was given here - it was more of a mini trip report for people who read this thread in the future. ( Be wary of a dive trip which offers your choice of 2 out of 3 sites :) )
( Be wary of a dive trip which offers your choice of 2 out of 3 sites :) )

I might have a little problem with that 2 out of 3 situation. Especially in rough seas. I don't know if I'd go with that operator again.

Has anybody else had this sort of experience? I guess I've always been lucky...

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