I have been clipping mine to the scooter ring. With my hands by my sides it's a short reach to grab it and unclipping it is a snap.
My octo has a 42" hose.
My primary is necklaced because that's the way I dive.
I've learned that when you see the OOA signal the other thing to do while going for your octo reg is clench your teeth on you regulator, because in all likelihood they are going for your regulator and may windup screwing the pooch for both of you if they panicked with regulators dangling about and nobody with one in their mouth. I know my primary is secured around my neck and I have air.

My primary is necklaced because that's the way I dive.
I've learned that when you see the OOA signal the other thing to do while going for your octo reg is clench your teeth on you regulator, because in all likelihood they are going for your regulator and may windup screwing the pooch for both of you if they panicked with regulators dangling about and nobody with one in their mouth. I know my primary is secured around my neck and I have air.