a rebreather diver can help as they're carrying usable gas in those side-slung tanks. You need to make clear that you need the gas NOW with a slashing motion of the hand over your throat; the rebreather diver will pass their regulator hose to you, then probably give you the bottle as you both go to the surface and end your dive.
Would this be a good planning approach though? I do not dive rebreathers so want to clarify what is the common procedure for planning the bailout volumes. Do you plan the volume for one person ? or for 2 people. Because if you donate the bailout to the oog diver and then you have a failure on the rebreather you have to do buddy breathing now. Or you plan for a single failure only? With a rebreather in the mix this type of planning in a mix does not give me a warm feeling.
If mods feel this conversion is for a non Basic Scuba they might want to split it and move it to another forum