My personal experience
Valve drill means very different things for different instructors, unless there is a standard. I first learnt valve drills from a tdi instructor which basically told us that we had to be able to manipulate the valves which were on our back, i did a combined ITT and DP course back then not knowing better, and he put valve failures into the DP course and basically told us to listen for where the leak it and shut the valve, afterwards signal to team member.
Unsatisfied with my course, i went to GUE for fundies training with Gidedon Liew, i was taught the GUE valve drill, and was explained to us that this was a mean to be familiar with manipulating the valves while keeping all other things in check, positioning/situational awareness etc. It was stressed that this was not a means to deal with valve failure, and that is a topic for tech 1. Soon i was back to do tech 1 with gideon again, which required a tech pass, the tech pass for me required mastery of the valve drill, meaning the ability to do valve drills consistently while maintaining your positioning even if it means back kicking against a current. This was clearly explained to me during my fundies and my tech pass upgrade. In tech 1, we were assumed to have complete mastery of the subject and would apply the knowledge to tackle valve failure problems, often in current and blue water, and sometimes working with a primary reel.