May 11th, McKenzie Bight, Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island; hitting the water at 3:00 pm. Doing something different today, I climbed down the goat trail to the beach, under the parking lot, and entered there. Nice pebble beach made the entry easy. A shallow grade on the bottom, I blindly followed through congealed caramel pudding. Glad I took compass bearings before I submerged. I was hoping to find the top of the boat hull that was down there. At 40', the hull of the boat was found, as I literally swam into the starboard side bow. Vis was 1'. I kept following the grade down (if I had entered at the normal spot, I would've called the dive due to vis) and at around 65'-70', vis was closer to 5'. At 75' the congealed pudding gave way to a heavy haze, which gradually thinned to 85', where, low and behold, crystal clear water was below. 97' was my deepest, at which point, I was shinning my Sola 1200 into the depths, the low power setting reflecting off the bottom way below me, Not having twins, or a deep cert, I let the temptation subside. If you were diving with a buddy, a tether would be the only way to keep in contact with each other, above 80'. At exit at the normal entry point, the surface 20' was actually not bad for vis, for a snorkler.
3400 psi in 100hp Faber to start, 1200 psi ending. 30cu Catalina pony, 3000 psi to start and finish. 33 min dive, 97' deepest, 59' avg, 5 min SS. Shearwater Peregrine, set to low conservancy.