Yesterday I did 34 solo dives in 4 hours 
Location: Finland, Europe. Inner archipelago. Shallow and murky.
It was a search and recovery mission (logged as one dive) where I had to locate some (13) stakes in abysmal visibility using circular search, then mark them with a buoy, then bring a recovery rope to the bottom so that the stakes could be pulled up by our boat. I had to deal with the buoy anchoring line, a circular search, the recovery rope, my divelight, fishing nets - and then I decided to bring an action cam on one of my immersions. Sidemounted steel cylinders were used and replaced in water.
I also found a discarded fyke net on the bottom (or on my dive light...) and discovered that while the net itself is not strong its anchoring lines eat away a line cutters blade. A proper knife with a serrated edge was required. No big drama (except that I have no linecutter anymore). We just wanted to clean the net away.
Having a diving buddy, and a buddy line - a third line to manage, would have been an absolute nightmare.
Instead I had plenty of cutting devices and an SMB to signal any emergency.
Video [shaky]:
Helmet mounted cam next time!

Location: Finland, Europe. Inner archipelago. Shallow and murky.
It was a search and recovery mission (logged as one dive) where I had to locate some (13) stakes in abysmal visibility using circular search, then mark them with a buoy, then bring a recovery rope to the bottom so that the stakes could be pulled up by our boat. I had to deal with the buoy anchoring line, a circular search, the recovery rope, my divelight, fishing nets - and then I decided to bring an action cam on one of my immersions. Sidemounted steel cylinders were used and replaced in water.
I also found a discarded fyke net on the bottom (or on my dive light...) and discovered that while the net itself is not strong its anchoring lines eat away a line cutters blade. A proper knife with a serrated edge was required. No big drama (except that I have no linecutter anymore). We just wanted to clean the net away.
Having a diving buddy, and a buddy line - a third line to manage, would have been an absolute nightmare.
Instead I had plenty of cutting devices and an SMB to signal any emergency.
Video [shaky]:
Helmet mounted cam next time!