25 Aug, did two shore dives exploring a cove I've only dove a few times in the Bay of Fundy. First dive followed the wall to my left, very shallow max 16 feet so after 41 minutes I still had 1500psi in each LP50 side mount cylinder. Second dive I followed a mooring chain into the cove max depth I hit was 36 feet. Tide was almost in and current in the cove was strong, I had to trace the mooring chain perpendicular to present less to be pushed. Could have done a drift dive lol. Lots of critters, Atlantic lobster, medium and small flounder, hermit, green and rock crabs, snails, urchins, starfish, cucumbers and stuff I didn't recognize. Visibility was a sad 6-8 feet but still a lot to see. Finished with 1100psi in each tank at 49 minutes as I met my check in time again. Next dive I will see if I can park and enter at the other side of the cove to explore that wall.