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Rothsay wreck Prescott Ontario : water temp 70 air about the same. Two dive of about 45 min msx depth 30 feet. Viz was maybe 5-10 feet at the most 15.

Dive one

Following the line to the rothsay from shore it s about 300 yard out. Didn't reach the wreck but doesn't matter was very fun. I swam for about 15
min and than turn around and practice skills, mask removal and swim, swap to pony regulator, dsmb deployment.

Dive two was about the same but for some reason a sip a fair amount of water while inflating the dsmb so start coughing down there, took about 30 sec and i was ok to catch my breath.

I dove on steel 100 i just needed 4 pounds of led.

Overall a great day, because it was my first time alone on that site i dove very conservatively i finish both dive with more than 2000 psi.

Next day of diving will be next friday.

Be safe.

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