Water has usually a soothing and relaxing effect on the mind so I hoped that underwater we were able to cool off our spirits and shut all the bickering off!
Instead coping with the spare mask (there was no room for my fingers to close the nostrils from the front so I had to shut them from below and I constantly had a layer of water that kept my nostrils submerged...All the attempts of clearing failed "Better not inhaling through my nose!" I thought), my unstable buoyancy (now that I think about it I was using different tanks and I was probably overwheighted) and my significant other buddy who was going up and down like a yo-yo because he did not have ankle weights supplied us with fuel for bickering with bubbles and hand signals during the first part of the first dive. When we finally reached our depth and began to swim back up we finally relaxed and marveled at the fact that we were in the middle of a 'colony' of Orange Sea Pens that slowly were swinging calmly and patiently with the current.
An Orange Sea Pen looks like one animal from a distance
instead it is a colony of polyps like a coral
The animal can retract all of its body completely into the sand
Unfortunatelly for the Sea Pen there is also another animal that lives in the same moonscape muddy habitat...
the Striped Nudibranch! and guess what does it eat? Orange Sea Pens!
During the first dive it seemed that there was a huge underwater party going on!
A Striped Nudibranch hurries to go the party!
Those Striped Nudibranchs were absolutely everywhere! In some spots they were on top of each other at the base of Orange Sea Pens taking bites off of those hopeless 18 inches long orange animals.:shocked2::depressed:
Orange Sea Pens, Striped Nudibranchs and, of course, flat fish are not the only one that hide themselves under the sand. During a safety stop I saw this guy
...any guesses?
We also saw white elongated blobs that littered the bottom...![]()
...any ideas?
To cut a story that is already too long at the end of the second dive my buddy and I were smiling at each other and remarked how great it had been diving among Orange Sea Pens!![]()
If I remember right those white blobs are cuttle fish eggs or squid eggs.