Lately temperatures on Whidbey Island have reached the upper 80s F!!!!!! The thought of wearing thermo underwear, a woolly jumper and flees pants inside a shell made of plastic made me sweat even more and almost pass out...So “Forget about diving! Let's go snorkeling and practicing more back kicking with just a simple swim suit and my Force Fins in a nearby lake instead!” I thought.
It was like being in the tropics! What a treat!
My buddy showed me again how to back kick
I kept practicing until my feet got tired. I am not quite there yet but after those attempts I felt that I understood a bit better how I was supposed to move my legs and feet.
I have to keep practicing more before trying it with all the scuba gear on, though!
The following day I went back snorkeling there again and practiced some more back kicking. This time I explored other areas of the lake shore and discovered that a lake is not such a boring environment after all! Interesting things kept appearing through its clear water. I went crazy in shooting short videos and taking pictures.
Slowly I snorkeled through a bed of water lilies. I was really excited because water lily is one of my favorite plants. The flowers had already bloomed, but still it was fascinating to look at the growing fruit from underwater. I tried to be as careful as possible with my kicking. I did not want to get entangled, damage the plants and kick up the super fine soft mud-silt of the bottom. The water was pretty shallow and I tried to back kick to get away from the lilies when I got too close but there was not enough water to be able to avoid touching the bottom with the fins so I gave up. Somehow I was able to swim into deeper water by other means such as paddling with my hands slowly like a dog.
This lake is really a gem. Locals have been swimming here since the lake hasn’t been used as a reservoir. Now more people are coming to swim there from further away and in hot days the lake shore is swamped with bathers even if it doesn’t look like because its densely forested shore hide all those bodies (but you can definitively hear them!).
Unfortunately not all of these visitors clean after themselves.

Some cannot be bothered to take their trash back to the provided trash cans! They prefer to dump it straight into the lake and forget about it. They want to enjoy swimming in its wonderful water but don’t want to take responsibility to keep the same water clean! It just blows my mind…
I had a mesh bag with me that I bought in a thrift store and while I was snorkeling I began to pick up all the trash that I was able to see. I couldn’t help it!
At the end of two snorkeling trips this is what I picked up:
Happy snorkeling and safe diving!
Keep the Water Clean!
(uuuauuhhh! I have made it! This is my most complicated post so far!)