Bob Evans

Back in January I was fortunate enough to cruise and explore French Polynesia aboard
the m/s Paul Gauguin. It was an invite from my dear friend that Susanne and I could not refuse. I started a short intro about my trip on my blog, so I will just add that the crew aboard the Paul Gauguin made my trip extra special and I would like to share some fun photos with you.

It started off with a wonderful greeting from Hotel Director Jacques Le Tallec
The Executive Chef Mark Bishop was a master at presenting one of kind dishes like this fresh MoonFish.

It was truly the best food we had ever tasted! Thanks for the extra kilos!
Another gentleman that we became friends with was the Maitre D Miki Kovacevic

Thank you for taking care of our every needs and sharing your thoughts about life.

I did indeed enjoy my time watching the water drift by in one of the most wonderful places in the world. My next post I look forward to sharing my observations while under the warm waters of French Polynesia