When going camping....

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you are planning to do! A base camp is way different from a hike or canoe trip. Personally, one of the first things I make sure are packed is my trusty orange plastic shovel and plenty of TP!!! A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
Ontario Diver once bubbled...
Beer, food, tent, beer, canoe, beer, bear repellent, beer.

Kayla is a baby girl--no beer for her.

Bug spray!!! We have a camp up on the Mountain. From May to July the little gnats(aka punky flies) will eat the flesh off of your bones.

Over the years I have tried everything. They laugh at "Deep Woods Off." They think SSS is A-1 Sauce. This year 3M came out with "Ultra Thon" It works!!! Those bugs don't even think about landing on you if you use this stuff.
RICHinNC once bubbled...
Reservations at a 5 star hotel.
(did enuf ''camping'' in the service!)

I agree. My idea of roughing it is when room service is late! :)
...we forgot a bottle opener and can opener - I didn't put them back into the camping tub with everything else after the last trip. Toilet paper in case the spot-a-pot is running low, and hand towels are the things we've been short on in the past.

We keep all of our camping gear like lanterns, lights, gas stove, gas canisters, matches, plates, cookset, emergency freeze dried foods, bug repellant, hatchet, etc in a big rubbermaid tub (another scuba-induced habit!). That way, loading the camping gear for each trip is as simple as grabbing sleeping rolls and bags, tent, chairs, and the rubbermaid, and then food shopping on the way. One day I'll write a checklist and put inside of the tub.

Also spare gas lantern mantles if you use a Coleman or Primus lantern, and make sure they're the right style - I've been short of those before too.
Kayla, what type of camping are you doing? Car camping (driving directly to your campsite with immediate access to your vehicle) or hiking/backpack camping with no immediate vehicle access.

It is important as certain things obviously get tossed into the impossible to transport/not needed pile if you are backpacking.

Where ya goin'? A lake/ocean destination also has a different equipment gear list then a mountain/forest retreat.

Gotta pack...sense of adventure and fun either way!
and being a guy, I almost always forget the skin care stuff...

Lip Stuff
Bug repellant (when necessary)

When wifie comes along, she's in charge of this stuff, and we are always more comfortable for it.

well having been boyscout and gone camping all over the place here is what are the items i pack (in order of importance)

Orange Trowl and 2 rolls of Charmin.
Tent (4 season all weather- North Face 3 person tent (yeah right 3 migets , 2 ok but me just fine )
sleeping bag (depending on the tempeture i have 3 60+, 15-60, and finally a bag good to -20)
Sleeping Pad (if camping and not backpacking a thermo rest orange, if backpacking i have a mini thermo rest (lighter)
Clothes (for a weekend (fri-sun am) 2 pr cargo shorts, and 3 t shirts, and 1 pr of socks perday)
Rain Gear( Rain jacket, pants both gore-tex)
Shoes 1 extra pr besides the ones im wearing(sneaker or sandels)
SunScreen or bugspray
toolkit(hammer, spikes, rope, other misc items)
Chair (if base camp recliner style)

well im probably missing some items buti cant think of them right now.
I'm with Ontario Diver on this one, my list includes:
Colman Stove
Frying Pan
Back Bacon
Note: All items after BEER are optional!

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