When going camping....

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Scubaroo once bubbled...

Also spare gas lantern mantles if you use a Coleman or Primus lantern, and make sure they're the right style - I've been short of those before too. [/B]

i dont mind the gas laterns at all because they put out just the right amount of light , but for flash lights i dont like them if they are bigger then the maglite AA(i prefer the AAA version) because they are just the right size and dont weight vary much. it never fails that everytime i go camping (be it with a scout troop or other wise) i always run into these people who carry the police nightstick ones that always seem to put it in my eye or complain when i tell them to turn it off that they wont be able to see, or the ones that carry the police helicopter spotlight beam that turns night into day.

I said it before but i dont understand the mentality behind of putting a lights beam in someones face when they need to talk to them. They also seem to get upset when i tell them to get it out of my face. Some people just dont understand that if you turn it off and let your eyes adjust (around 2 minutes to do so) you can see in the dark perfectly, as the case was recently when i walked past two people who had the nightstick lights moving at a snails pace because they couldnt see and i scared the daylights out of them when i walked past them and asked them to lowere there beams so i could see(i had already past them, and the look was priceless)

besides those two lights i mentioned i just got a new light that is used by swat teams for mounting on there CQB weapons that is a LED light that will blind the person temporarly so that they can see were you are standing (intergation light) and its so small and only powered by 2 AAA batteries its amazing


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